John Calipari has made it clear that he doesn't care what people think of him lately, so that gives him the ability to freely express his thoughts and feelings on news in the NCAA.

Firing Shots

In a podcast with Mike Lupica, Calipari made some statements that could be directed toward a certain rival of the Kentucky Wildcats.

"So, all I would say is most coaches have an idea if it happened on their campus. You might not be the first to know, but you eventually hear about it." Calipari said.

This statement may be taking shots at the University of Louisville, whose basketball program has been caught up in a recent scandal.

UofL and Rick Pitino have recently been dealing with a scandal involving Katina Powell's book Breaking Cardinal Rules and her reports of the program's use of prostitutes.

"All I can tell you is this: If it happens on your campus and it happens with your assistants and those people, you probably have a good idea of what's going on," Calipari said.

It's hard to think Calipari isn't specifically talking about Pitino, but knowing Calipari's talkative nature, he could just be saying what comes into his head.

Calipari is no stranger to NCAA violations, but the points he made are suggesting he didn't know about them. Both incidents involving Marcus Camby and Derrick Rose were off campus and not associated with UMass or Memphis.

A Bad Coach?

Calipari did seem to direct an answer to the fans of Louisville when he was asked what he thought when people say he's not a good coach, hinting that he had their school on his mind the whole time.

"OK, if you're bragging on my players I'm good with it. Say I can't coach and they're just the greatest players ever which helps them get drafted better. So at the end of the day when we beat the other team, you got beat by a coach that can't coach. Again for the twelfth straight time. Holy jeez. What's that make your coach," Calipari said.

Calipari being inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame with former players behind him (Photo: Associated Press/Charles Krupa)

It's obvious Calipari enjoys messing with his haters and getting other fan bases fired up. If he didn't, he wouldn't make such controversial statements almost daily.

Even though he's hated by plenty of fans and media, Calipari will never cease to be good at surprising everyone with what he says next.