Many of you wrestling fans may have noticed that the Diva devision is an absolute mess. We can ignore the fact that the Bella twins aren't that good in the ring and to be honest, that is subjective anyway. Beyond that, there really seems to be no direction. The story lines stink.The stories behind the feuds only last a month tops and isn't aloud to gain any real momentum. The matches aren't that good. The few wrestlers they do have that the fans like to see perform (and not just look at) aren't given a fair chance to shine.

At the end of last year and the beginning of the year, the Divas division seemed to actually be taking a turn for the better. Naomi and A.J. Lee had a bunch of great matches with Paige. And it seemed like things were looking up. And then nothing. A complete hault on everything that seemed to be going in the right direction. So what now?

Well, word on the internet is that Charlotte Flair and Sasha Banks will be joining the main roster soon (if not tonight). While this is an amazing move for the WWE and for two young, hungry, and extremely talented wrestlers, does anyone think that having talent in the division is going to make a difference? This is one of the few times where the roster (mens and womens) is full of talent. Both Sasha and Flair have the ability and overall presence to lead the Diva's int he right direction without changing their NXT gimmicks. So what will happen to Shasha and Charlotte is they make the main roster?

Sasha Banks:

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Sasha Banks' "Boss" gimmick is perfect. Fans will absolutely hate her when she talks all the trash that she talks and they will love her when she backs up everything she says. Her personality won't make for a good face, but it make for an amazing heel. It wouldn't be shocking to see her join up with the Bella Twins with some sort of evil "we are better than you" type of faction. Maybe even join up with Naomi and Tamina and flat out dominate the division. It is possible to make Sasha a face, but why? Her heel gimmick is perfect for her. The WWE should just stick with it. If it isn't broke, then don't fix it.


Charlotte was a dominant champion.
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Charlotte has done a great job of acknowledging her father and the legacy she is a part of without riding his coattails. Even when she was a heel in NXT, it was hard to not root for her. Despite the fact that she can hold her own in ring, she is the daughter of Ric Flair. How can you hate her? On top of that, the Diva division needs faces badly. It seems like everyone is a heel and if you're a face, you'll just spend your time jobbing to the Bellas. A face that can take on the world is needed.

If you want her to be a heel, put her with The Authority. Triple H and Stephanie give her a title shot immediately and she beats Nikki Bella. The fans love it until she absolutely goes off on how much better she is than everyone because of who she is. Even if she doesn't go the authority route, she could cost Paige the title and then destroy her after the match. This could give Charlotte the heat she needs to be a premier heel.

At the end of the day, Charlotte and Sasha Banks could be gifts to the main roster if they are actually allowed to show off their talent. If they are allowed to be all they can be like they were in NXT then they will be able to make the Diva title mean something. If not, then bringing them up is almost pointless. They will make more money and be used as eye candy instead of showing off their real talent.