More budget cuts have been rumored to be taking place within the WWE in the next few weeks and possibly months. With the release of Mark Yeaton (the long time WWE Timekeeper and Stone Cold's beer thrower) those budget cut rumors are seemingly true.

When you hear someone the caliber of Alberto Del Rio has been released, you immediately think it had to be tough for the front office to let him go solely because of budget cuts. When you find out it's not because of budget cuts but it's because of unprofessional conduct and/or having an altercation with a fellow employee, you have to think there is way more to the story than that. Was it a set up? If so who was responsible.

If you take a moment to think about it, it's the perfect time for Del Rio to pursue opportunities elsewhere. TNA could potentially pick him up. An acquisition like that would be huge for them; having a former World Heavyweight Champion, WWE Champion and Lucha Champion on their roster would elevate them exponentially.

The rumored altercation has not been described and no details have been leaked. The WWE is great at keeping things on the down low, so don't be surprised if we never get an explanation.

The only explanation you need is that Alberto Del Rio is no more, well no more in the WWE at least.